With the aim of producing biogas to fuel electric generators, Adogranjas will start a biodigesters installation project in their farms.
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana -Producers belonging to the Dominican Pig Farms Association [Adogranjas – Asociación Dominicana de Granjas Porcinas] will start a biodigesters installation project in their farms with the aim of producing biogas to fuel electric generators, for cooking, generate the energy they consume and sell energy to the formal system.
The information was shared during a meeting that was held at the Natural Resources and Environment minister's office, which was also attended by the minister of Industry and Business, members of the association with their representative; Wilfredo Bautista García, and the Environment Defense Prosecutor; Andrés Chalas.
The members of Adongranjas will install, individually or collectively, the biodigesters that will allow them to harness the biogas that gets released during the pig breeding process and, as a by-product, it is intended to extract organic compost to be used in agricultural production.
Both the Environment Ministry and the Industry and Business one, alongside Adogranjas, will initiate the process of writing a mutual understanding protocol so the process can be scheduled with the purpose that every producer associated to Adogranjas, formally installs the new system, which will make pig production a sustainable practice.
The Natural Resources and Environment ministry calls for the rest of the producers that are not associated with Adogranjas to adjust their facilities with practices that are not in conflict with the preservation and sustainability of the environment.
Original Source: http://www.noticiassin.com/2012/01/criadores-de-cerdos-produciran-biogas-para-generar-energia/