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Oct. 24 2014 - This recent saturday 18th we participated in a highly interesting and welcoming day, invited by BA Andrés Bautista García to hang with some friends of his and the one who writes this at the Agropecuaria Bautista’s modeling farm venues; model not just in the country but in Latin America, the same that dedicates in a very special manner to the pigs production. This farm, located in one of the Concepción La Vega province's high hills, almost "neighboring with the Santo Cerro sanctuary" from where the valley of La Vega Real can be seen in all of its splendor, the one that gave motive to explorer Cristopher Columbus to exclaim "this are the most beautiful lands that human eyes have ever seen". To get to such productive and heavenly place, you have to take the traditional road leading to La Vega-Moca, before arriving to Cutupú Municipal District; you are already at Agropecuaria Bautista's entrance, if you are comming from Santo Domingo city, capital of Dominican Republic.

Upon guests' arrival, BA Andres and his brother Wilfredo Bautista --partners in this great project made reality-- hightlighted their proverbial hospitality by receiving the visitors with whom they expressed sympathy and cordiality for having the kindness to wisit them to know Agropecuaria Bautista and find out about the production process and the company’s performance itself. On first glance, the guests were gratefully amazed. The entourage was integrated by: Dr. Rafael Franco Guzman, owner of "BAJO TECHO TV" channel; Marcelo Franco, "Ranchs and Farms" TV show producer; Tomás Hernández Alberto y Johnny Marte, whom along with Dr. Franco produce the interview and comments show "PANTALLA ABIERTA".

At 9:00 AM, the guests were received with a succulent breakfast that they shared and enjoyed as a prelude to what was going to be an interesting journey through the farms workings. Later, for the main purpose of the visit, two women handled the responsibility; at Agropecuaria Bautista, women are taken in high account by holding dominant positions in the company; Susanna Bautista, Msc. in Administration leads the company's management. In the operations area there is Industrial Engineer, Leiry Duvernay; alongside them we took the tour around the farm. Also works there an exelent and young vet professional, Dr. Alfonsina Khoury.

The journey starts in the gestation area, where they proceed to explain us how it works. Both engineer Duvernay and BA Bautista explains the procedure.

Maternity and delivery area; the sows give birth to the piglets, explains the experts, which will also be allocated, this consists of some kind of sow milking to provide nutrients (colostrum) through a bottle to help the little animals build some gut. Being this the piglets' first immunization feeding. In this area there is some sort of incubator to place the piglets that were born before completing the gestation cycle (premature), a box with some canvasses and a heating lamp. After 21 days the piglets are weaned from its mother (separated) and they go to the "weaning" area, then to the "fattening" area where they are expected to reach the stipulated weight to be served in the consumers market.

But all the interesting stuff that happens in Agropecuaria Bautista, doesn't end there, they also have a biodigester for harnessing the fecal matter produced by the pigs, this waste is sent to a lagoon that holds it and in turn is covered with a membrane (tarpaulin) which stores the gasses produced by the fecal matter that will be the fuel that is carried through some very well installed PVC pipes up to a plant that generates the electric energy needed by the farm; the energy production is such, explains industrial engineer Porello, that there is a surplus that has to be released for which we have sort of a cauldron that ignites automatically so we don't release it directly to the environment and avoid contributing to global warming.

By the end of such an interesting and delightful visit, the Bautista Family's hospitality kept showing up and we were invited to come along to a beautiful lookout terrace in the crest of a hill, built with fine taste, unparalleled sight, hardly repeatable.

As a colophon, a lunch, that couldn't be anything else, pork fried in a very exquisite and particular manner, like we never tasted before, neither the one who writes this, nor the other diners; it was some kind of "dietary pork", just like you read it, without a doubt, everything turned out to be a wonderful experience.

Finally BA Susana Bautista, expressed beautiful words at the farewell on behalf of the Bautista-Taveras and Bautista-Henriquez family.

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